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Proposals survey results

We asked you what you thought of our Brinton Park Restoration Project proposals.

Thank you to the 79 people who took the time to fill in our survey.

We asked respondents to rate the extent which they agreed that the proposals will enhance the park on a scale of 0 to 10. Chart 1 below shows that the majority of respondents agreed that the proposals would enhance the park, with half (51.9%) giving a rating of 10. The average rating was 8.9.

Chart 1 survey results table

Chart 1 On a scale of 0 to 10 to what extent do you agree that the proposals will enhance the park. 0 – being not at all and 10 – being completely

Respondents were asked why they had answered in such a way. Overall, the responses were very positive, many said it would be great to have a café and liked the idea of reintroducing the ornamental pool, commenting that the additional facilities would encourage more people to visit the park, as well as stay longer. Other elements which respondents appreciated included the increased accessibility, car park and pathway improvements. One respondent commented “it looks like a brilliant design and in keeping with the park’s history. The contemporary twist is very attractive.”

Respondents added that there was currently a lack of facilities and that it had “…been neglected over the years” but it was great to see it being looked after and restored. Others added that many groups would benefit from the new development, including the additional space for community groups.

Respondents were asked to rate how strongly they supported the restoration proposals on a scale of 0 to 10. With an average rating of 9.3, the most popular proposal was the café (Chart 2). The least popular proposal was the signage and interpretation, however, this still scored fairly highly with 7.9.

Chart 2 surveyy results


Chart 2 On a scale of 0 to 10 how strongly do you support the restoration proposals for the following key design elements. 0 – being not at all and 10 – being completely

Respondents were asked if there were any other comments on the designs they would like to make. The responses were overall very positive, including comments that “…the park will be an even better destination for all ages” or adding that the “designs look fantastic” or “excellent”.

The majority of respondents were from within Kidderminster, with some from nearby towns including Bewdley and Stourport-on-Severn.


About the author



In 1882 my great great grandfather John Brinton donated 32 acres of land in the town centre of Kidderminster in Worcestershire as a pleasure ground for the enjoyment of the town's residents.

Julian Brinton

Project team

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Green Street
DY10 1HA

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