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Group of volunteers planting plants in Brinton Park's new pollinator garden

Volunteers are very much at the heart of this project.

Their enthusiasm to restore the park, knowledge of its history, appreciation of this wonderful green space and the opportunities ahead are vital to our plans.

Read about two of our volunteers and how they have combined other interests to help us find out more about the park, its history and its potential.

Phil Ginnings

Phil giving his history talkHis history walks and talk have been really popular. Here, in Phil’s words, is why he volunteers...

"I have been coming to the park ever since we moved to Kidderminster nearly 30 years ago. I wanted to volunteer because I use the park every day to exercise my dog Wilf and the park is a wonderful place for clearing one's head and enjoying nature. Brinton Park has a magnificent community of dog walkers! There are also lots of other people who contribute to the daily life of the park and it's been a real pleasure meeting them too.

"I am also a historian so the Heritage Lottery Fund bid is close to my heart. As a result, I have been guiding groups of people around the Park to inform them about its history and place in Kidderminster's story. I have also given an evening lecture to people who couldn't come during the day. The process has been very much two-way. For example, I learned a lot from Kidderminster's Civic Society group which included several people who remembered things about the park I didn't know. Some people have been coming to it since the late 1940s!

"Among the interesting things I've discovered are some great photos of the park through time. In some of them you can even see my house! Music has been played in the park since 1902. The Richard Eve Memorial has a time capsule in it. Suffragette Emily Pankhurst and founder of the Boy Scouts Sir Robert Baden-Powell have both been to the park. Royal Coronations and Jubilees have been celebrated in it, as has the end of both World Wars. The BBC even recorded a children's radio programme about gardening from Brinton Park in the 1950s. And there's so much more to be told.

"I'm happy to continue giving the talk if people are interested in hearing it."

Jenny Lloyd-Pain

There are many opportunities to volunteer in the park and as Jenny Lloyd-Pain is finding it has allowed her to help out while indulging in another of her passions!

Here’s what she says about her volunteering roles so far...

“Volunteering with the project has given me the chance to combine helping people connect with the wildlife in this amazing urban park, an interest (OK, an obsession!) in recording mammals and the opportunity to give back to the community.

"I have assisted with the visitor observation survey, had fun talking to kids about plants and animals at the Pickup Artists ‘Litter Pickers Unite’ event and carried out a spring-summer survey and report of the mammals using the park.  It was a surprise to discover not only how important Brinton Park is to local people, but as habitat for so many animals.

"One of best parts of the experience so far has been engaging with park users about wildlife and the restoration project while carrying out the mammal survey. It’s been such a learning experience discovering my inner history buff through the expertise of other volunteers, and the Countryside Rangers even allowed me to help out with a botanical survey. If anyone is considering getting involved and lending a hand while working with some fantastic people, I highly recommend it!”


About the author



In 1882 my great great grandfather John Brinton donated 32 acres of land in the town centre of Kidderminster in Worcestershire as a pleasure ground for the enjoyment of the town's residents.

Julian Brinton

Project team

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The Depot
Green Street
DY10 1HA

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