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Project proposals

artist impression of new cafe building in park
Artist's impression of new design cafe

Following the successful Round 1 grant funding award from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and National Lottery Community Fund, proposals for Brinton Park are now being developed to enable a further Round 2 application to be submitted in February 2020. We are hoping to secure funding for implementation of a large scale capital and revenue restoration project. If successful with the Round 2 application (the council will hear the final result in July 2020), works will likely start on site in 2021.

The key aims of the project are to:

  • Improve the use and enjoyment of the park through the provision of new facilities and activities.
  • Enhance and conserve the historic and nature value of the site.


Improvement measures are also intended to make the park safer, more attractive and more fun for local families and visitors from further afield.


Proposals being developed for the funding bid fall into three main categories:

  1. Park restoration works
  2. New physical works
  3. Proposed activities


  1. The restoration works include improving the physical heritage assets and reinstating heritage assets that have been lost over time as follows:
  • improving the paths and entrances
  • redecoration of the bandstand
  • recreation of an ornamental lake
  • tree work
  • restoring important heritage features e.g. the Richard Eve Memorial


  1. New physical works will include:
  • improved access into the park and car parking
  • improved toilets and seating
  • creation of a new café
  • developing the Sons of Rest building so that it becomes an improved community pavilion for a wide range of activities
  • development of the Emily Jordan Foundation (Twigs) horticultural yard to enable heating of the greenhouses, improve welfare facilities and make it more publicly accessible
  • also included will be things that improve people’s experience whilst they are in the park such as new signage and interpretation.


  1. Another big element of having a successful National Lottery Heritage Fund project is the delivery of a range of activities with people and communities focused on heritage and learning. Such activities could include walks, talks, heritage research, oral history, wildlife and nature, photography, events and education.

Proposals and visuals

1. Masterplan

2. Pool

3. Sons of Rest building

4. Cafe Design

5. Cafe Visual

6. Cafe Plan

7. Car Parking

8. Entrance works and signage






About the author



In 1882 my great great grandfather John Brinton donated 32 acres of land in the town centre of Kidderminster in Worcestershire as a pleasure ground for the enjoyment of the town's residents.

Julian Brinton

Project team

Contact us

The Depot
Green Street
DY10 1HA

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